Studio-quality sounds on your laptop




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USP artwork (high quality, compressed)

Ultra Soft Piano

Captured at Baltic Studios in east London, this double-felted Yamaha U1 is perfect for singer-songwriters - out now.

In collaboration with...


Yes! Anyone can try LABS+ free for 14 days. If you decide it isn't for you, just cancel in that period, and you won't be charged.

Yes! We'll be releasing new packs monthly.

All currently existing LABS packs (59 of them) will remain free to use.

LABS+ is ever-expanding. By becoming a member, you’ll be given access to new monthly instruments and ongoing perks — and we’ll be able to continue innovating and delivering high quality tools and support.

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Drum Programming Simplified

LABS+ has teamed up with DAACI to bring our subscribers exclusive, discounted access to their tool Natural Drums.